tisdag 26 mars 2013

Grading rubric seminar

Grading rubric

-brought to you courtesy of Silan, Ylva, Nadim and Mimmi

Use of source material
Do you use written texts and parts/ideas from movies or other media as examples in the discussion?

Are the examples you chose to use in the discussion relevant?

Do your examples have an impact on the discussion?
Are you critical to the source material?

Discussion of evil
Do you discuss the meaning of evil in different situations?

Are you detailed in your examples when discussing evil?

Are you unbiased in your discussion of evil?

Do you use some of your own experiences as examples in the discussion?
Are your comparisons well thought out?

Are you nuanced in your comparisons while discussing evil?

Seminar rubrics


Grade E
Students choose texts and spoken language from different media and in a relevant way can use the material selected in their own production and interaction.

Students discuss in basic terms some features in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used, and can also make simple comparisons with their own experiences and knowledge. Have you discussed different news from different speaking conturies? Have you used exaples from your own experiences?

Grade C
Students choose texts and spoken language from different media and in a relevant and effective way use the selected material in their own production and interaction. Have you discussed how the texts are written in comparison to how evil portrayed in the movies?

Students discuss in detail some features in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used, and can also make well developed comparisons with their own experiences and
knowledge. Have you in a debate done the same question as the one we asked just before?

Grade A
Students choose texts and spoken language from different media and in a relevant, effective and critical way use the selected material in their own production and interaction. Have you been critical while discussing the texts?

Students discuss in detail and in a balanced way some features in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used, and can also make well developed and balanced comparisons with their own experiences and knowledge. Have you been nuanced while discussing the texts?


Do you use some of your own experiences as examples in the discussions?
Do you use written text and parts/ideas from the movie as an example in the discussions?
Are the examples you chose to use in the discussion relevant?
Do you discuss the meaning of evil in different situations?

How do you think other people will react on your examples?
Are you detailed in your description when discussing evil?
Are your comparisons well thought out?

Are you critical to the source material?
Are you biased in your description of evil?
Are you nuanced in your comparisons while discussing evil?

E questions:

- Do you use one of the texts we disscused in class?
- Do you use some information from the film?
- Did you discuss these in your discussion about evil?
- Do you discuss evil and give with at least one example from your own life?

C questions:

- Do you use relevant informations from the texts we read in class and the film in the disscusion?
- Are your examples from your own life relevant to the disscusion?

A questions:

- Do you use the texts with a critical eye?
- Are your disscusion balanced (both negative and positive points) and detailed?

måndag 18 mars 2013


Today we watched "The psychology of evil", a speech by Philip Zimbardo.

Also, you read two texts, text 4 and 5. I asked you to skim-read the text first, then read one paragraph at a time out loud and discuss that paragraph together in small groups.

Tomorrow, you should continue discussing the texts in your groups and then join forces with everyone who's read the same text. Discuss the text again and then pair up with someone who's read the other text. Present "your" text to your partner and make sure you understand your partner's text. Do not hesitate to ask each other questions! Lastly, read text 6 in preparation for Friday's discussions. You can choose how to read this text, individually or in groups, but make sure you use a reading technique that works for you.

On Friday, discuss text 6 and then go back to previous texts that you want to refresh. Look at the questions in the instructions and take notes from each text on how they answer the different questions.

Both of these classes will be held without yours truly since I'm off to Gothenburg tomorrow. Good luck!

tisdag 12 mars 2013


Today we worked with the two texts connected to our first ethical and existential question, let's call it "The Steubenville question". Tomorrow, Tuesday, we'll discuss the two texts together.

måndag 4 mars 2013


Today we worked with the first page in the handout "Ethical and existential questions".

We also worked with questions regarding the CAE test.