fredag 31 augusti 2012


Today we continued with the prezi on "Learning English". After that, you were given the first assignment of the course: English my English. The instructions can be found at Portalen and on Facebook. Please write in Google Documents and share the document with me. Remember to give your document the name "Englishmyenglishyourname".

You will get 30 minutes on Thursday to complete your texts.

torsdag 30 augusti 2012


Today we did the last part of the CAE diagnostic test. Also, I talked about second language learning. I asked you to write down what you think your teacher can do to help you become successful second language learners. Please bring your notes to tomorrow's class.

måndag 27 augusti 2012

CAE stands for...

Certificate in Advanced English!

Today, we started off the English 7 course with a bang... Diagnostic test (actually an actual CAE test) which you will take again at the end of the course to see how much you've improved (and what skills you have improved the most).

Welcome back to English class!