tisdag 22 januari 2013


Writing class! Today you wrote formal letters. You can chose between two different types of letters, the one at the beginning of the formal letter section and the one in the sample test (both are in the CAE Crash Course compendium).

fredag 18 januari 2013


Today, I informed you that the CAE will be given here at Vasaskolan! Great news, since that means you won't have to travel to Uppsala in March.

We worked with CAE preparations all class.

fredag 11 januari 2013


Today we wrote information sheets (by hand, since you need to practice that before the CAE test).

We learnt a few new words, like "winter lined trousers" or "thermal trousers".

Also, I suggested you make your own writing references for the CAE tasks. Make lists about what YOU should remember in the different writing tasks, based on what you learn in class and the comments you are given on your texts.